Q141. Where was Indo-Pak Shimla Agreement (1972) concluded?
(A) Barnes court
(B) Peterhoff
(C) Boileauganj
(D) The Retreat
Q142. When was the Sirmaur Praja mandal founded?
(A) 1939
(B) 1923
(C) 1936
(D) 1942
Q143. Who headed the Himalayan Prant Provisional government set up in 1948?
(A) Y.S. Parmar
(B) Ram lal
(C) Bhaskara Nand
(D) Shiva Nand Ramaul
Q144. Riwalsar is the birth place of?
(A) Raja Preekshit
(B) Hidimba
(C) Guru Gobind Singh
(D) Padamsambhava
Q145. Temple of Bagulamukhi is located near?
(A) Dehra
(B) Una
(C) Arki
(D) Nahan
Q146. The Gaddis are?
(A) Monogamous
(B) Polygamous
(C) Polyandrous
(D) None of these
Q147. Arki School of paintings flourished in the princely state of?
(A) Bajji
(B) Bhagat
(C) Jubbal
(D) Bhagal
Q148. Which district of Himachal Pradesh is famous for salt mines?
(A) Kangra
(B) Solan
(C) Mandi
(D) Kullu
Q149. Great Himalayan National Park is located in which district of Himachal Pradesh?
(A) Solan
(B) Mandi
(C) Lahaul and Spiti
(D) Kullu
Q150. In which year Nathpa Jhakri Hydel project was launched?
(A) 1988
(B) 1991
(C) 1994
(D) 1995
Q151. Can I stay…………… the weekend?
(A) Until
(B) By
(C) For
(D) Off
Q152. You are very patient………….. me.
(A) Towards
(B) To
(C) For
(D) With
Q153. Let’s try to agree…………… a date?
(A) With
(B) About
(C) On
(D) To
Q154. The tyre of a moving car presses………… the road.
(A) At
(B) On
(C) Against
(D) Beside
Q155. We should abide……….the same law of land.
(A) Under
(B) To
(C) By
(D) Before
Directions: choose the opposite word
Q156. Clergy
(A) Clerk
(B) Priest
(C) Laity
(D) Church attendant
Q157. Vulgar
(A) Simple
(B) Restrained
(C) Retired
(D) Graceful
Q158. Abhorrence
(A) Apprehension
(B) Aversion
(C) Appreciation
(D) Liking
Q159. Infringe
(A) Keep
(B) Break
(C) Violate
(D) Trespass
Q160. Majestic
(A) August
(B) Sublime
(C) Regal
(D) Paltry
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