HP TGT Arts Solved Question Paper 2019

Q101. Had he been absent from the meeting, the officer _____ strictly with him.
(A) will deal
(B) would deal
(C) would have dealt
(D) will have dealt

Q102. She obliges me for the help.’ The correct passive voice will be
(A) the help is obliged me by her.
(B) I am obliged to her for the help.
(C) I was obliged to her for the help.
(D) I am obliged for the help by her.

Q103. The correct transcription of the word, SYCOPHANT is
(A) /slkəfant/
(B) /sykəfant/
(C) /sykofant/
(D) /sl:kəfant/

Q104. Which part of the sentence has an error ?
Rohit told his teacher that he was absent the previous day.
(A) Rohit told his teacher
(B) that he was absent
(C) the previous day
(D) No errory

Q105. The teacher said to the students, “Let us start a new lesson”. (Correct indirect speech will be)
(A) The teacher asked the students to start a new lesson.
(B) The teacher suggested to the students to start a new lesson.
(C) The teacher suggested to the students that he should start a new lesson.
(D) The teacher suggested to the students that they should start a new lesson.

Q106. ‘It (rain)’ when my brother went to market.
(A) had been raining
(B) will be raining
(C) was raining
(D) has been raining

Q107. Which of the following word is spelt correctly?
(A) Liaison
(B) Liason
(C) Liesion
(D) Liasion

Q108. Choose the correct sentence from the following:
(A) He bought a unique watch yesterday.
(B) His brother is a DSP and his sister is an SP.
(C) The injured persons were taken to the hospital.
(D) The murderer entered the temple to take shelter for the night.

Q109. ‘No doubt, she is an angel’ Which figure of speech is used in this sentence?
(A) Simile
(B) Apostrophe
(C) Metaphor
(D) Alliteratìon Code

Q110. Correct subscription in a letter to mother will be
(A) Yours obediently
(B) Yours loving
(C) Your’s affectionately
(D) None of these

Q111. शुद्ध शब्द छाँटिए –
(A) कृतघन
(B) कृतघ्न
(C) कृत्यन
(D) कृतघन्

Q112. ‘नि’ उपसर्ग किस शब्द में है ?
(A) निबंध
(B) नीरोग
(C) निर्वाह
(D) निश्छल

Q113. ‘लिखाई’ शब्द में प्रत्यय है –
(A) इ
(B) ली
(C) वाई
(D) आई

Q114. ‘देशभक्ति’ शब्द में समास है –
(A) अव्ययीभाव
(B) द्वंद्व
(C) द्विगु
(D) तत्पुरुष

Q115. ‘अग्नि’ शब्द का पर्यायवाची शब्द है –
(A) वैश्वानर
(B) मारुत
(C) वाजि
(D) विवुध

Q116. ‘अल्प’ का विलोम शब्द कौन सा है ?
(A) अति
(B) इति
(C) श्रेष्ठ
(D) बड़ा

Q117. ‘शक्ति का उपासक’ कहलाता है
(A) शैव
(B) शाक्त
(C) वैष्णव
(D) सनातनी

Q118. ‘काम आना’ मुहावरे का क्या अर्थ है ?
(A) मार देना
(B) सावधान होना
(C) युद्ध में मरना
(D) उपयोग होना

Q119. ‘लघूर्मि’ शब्द को सन्धि-विच्छेद है –
(A) लघू + उर्मि
(B) लघु + ऊर्मि
(C) लघु + ऊर्मी
(D) लघू + उर्मी

Q120. ‘दिगंबर’ शब्द में कौन सी सन्धि है ?
(A) गुणसंधि
(B) स्वरसंधि
(C) व्यंजन संधि
(D) विसर्ग सन्धि

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