Chronicle IAS Academy – Geography Notes PDF (Part - II) - Reading Bell

Chronicle IAS Academy – Geography Notes PDF (Part – II)

Hello friends,

Today we are sharing a very important PDF of Chronicle IAS Academy – Geography Notes PDF. We have also included some of the most important questions related to Chronicle IAS Academy – Geography Question and Answers in this PDF help for your better preparation for all the government exams (IAS, State PCS, U.P SI, U.P TGT, PGT, U.P TET/CTET, UDA/LDA, RO/ARO, B.Ed, LLB, RRB, LIC, SSC Exam, सचिवालय, असिस्टेंट ग्रेड, ग्राम पंचायत अधिकारी (VDO), आशुलिपिक (Stenographer), लेखा परीक्षक (Auditor), हिंदी अनुवादक परीक्षा (Hindi translator exam), डिप्टी जेलर (Deputy jailer), बैंक परीक्षा (Bank examination), पटवारी (Patwari), लेखपाल (Lekhpal) इत्यादि). If you are preparing for your exams in the last few days then this Chronicle IAS Academy – Geography Questions is very important for you.

There are Approx 20-25 questions in each Government Exams related to Geography and you can solve easily  18-20 questions out of them after reading these Notes of the Geography Question and Answers. These are complete PDF of Geography PDF is attached below for your reference. You can easily download this PDF by clicking on the given download button below.

If you have any doubts or suggestions regarding this PDF then you can tell us in the Comment Section. We will be glad to help you. We wish you a better future.

Topic’s Include Inside the PDF

India Geography

  1. Physiography of India
  2. Climate of India
  3. Soils of India
  4. Natural Vegetation
  5. Flora and Fauna
  6. Agriculture
  7. Irrigation
  8. Animal Husbandry & Fisheries
  9. Minerals in India
  10. Industries in India
  11. Energy Resources
  12. Transport & Communication

World Geography

  1. Asia
  2. Africa
  3. Europe.
  4. Australia
  5. Anglo-America.
  6. South America
  7. Middle America
  8. Antarctica or ‘Terra Australis
  9. Miscellaneous
  10. World Facts
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