Q81. Name the chemical substance present in the bones and teeth.
(a) Calcium Sulphate
(b) Calcium Phosphate
(c) Calcium Chloride
(d) Calcium Borate
[showhide type=”links81″ more_text=”Show Answer ” less_text=”Hide Answer “] Answer: (B) [/showhide]
Q82. Which of the following is not a natural polymer ?
(a) Silk
(b) Cellulose
(c) Rubber
(d) Plastic
Q83. Fluoride pollution mainly affects to
(a) Kidney
(b) Teeth
(c) Eyes
(d) Nervous System
Q84. For evolutionary success mutation must occur in
(a) Somatic R.N.A.
(b) Somatic D.N.A.
(c) Germ plasm R.N.A.
(d) Germ plasm D.N.A.
Q85. The title of the book written by Marx and Engels, on the Revolt of 1857 is
(a) The First Indian War of Independence
(b) Revolt of 1857
(c) First War of Independence
(d) 1857
Q86. At whose demise did Mahatma Gandhi say ‘A star from Indian Solar System has eclipsed’?
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(d) Mahadeva Govind Ranadey
Q87. By what name is the point of origin of earthquake known?
(a) Focus
(b) Epicentre
(C) Generation point
(d) Earthquake point
Q88. In curd, which bacteria are found in abundance ?
(a) Salmonella sps.
(b) Lactobacillus sps.
(c) E. coli
(d) All of these
Q89. Formation of hole in Ozone layer is maximum over which place
(a) India
(b) Africa
(c) Europe
(d) Antartica
Q90. Which of the following gas is considered responsible for damage to the Taj Mahal at Agra ?
(a) Sulphur dioxide
(b) Chlorine
(c) Fluorine
(d) Carbon fluoride
Q91. The main cause of algal blooming in an aquatic ecosystem is
(a) Global warming
(b) Salination
(c) Eutrophication
(d) Bio-magnification
Q92. Which of the following atmospheric layers is nearest to the earth?
(a) Troposphere
(b) Exosphere
(c) Stratosphere
(d) Thermosphere
Q93. Which of the following gas leaked during Bhopal gas tragedy?
(a) Methyl isocyanide
(b) Methyl isocyanate
(c) Ethyl isocyanide
(d) Ethyl isocyanate
Q94. Which scientist used the term ‘Ecology’- for the first time?
(a) Charles Elton
(b) Arthur Tansley
(c) Eugene Odum
(d) Ernst Haeckel
Q95. The maximum numbers of individuals that can be sustained in a given environment, is termed:
(a) Carrying Capacity
(b) Biotic Potential
(c) Environmental Resistance
(d) Population Size
Q96. pH of normal rain water is about
(a) 2.6
(b) 3.0
(d) 9.3
Q97. Working of a solar cell is based on which one of the following?
(a) Laser Technology
(b) Tyndall effect
(c) Thermal Emission
(d) None of these
Q98. Name that component of diet which is assimilated as such.
(a) Fats
(b) Proteins
(c) Carbohydrates
(d) Vitamin
Q99. The first transgenic plant produced was
(a) Maize.
(b) Rice
(c) Tobacco
(d) Cotton
Q100. Which of the following causes Polio disease ?
(a) Bacteria
(b) Virus.
(c) Fungus
(d) Parasite
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