Q76. When children are introduced to English as a second language
(1) they should read first
(2) they should begin with letters of alphabet
(3) they should be exposed to language orally
(4) they should begin writing first
Q77. Eclecticism in language teaching refers to using
(1) all the methods to teach language
(2) appropriate strategies from various methods of teaching
(3) the best method of teaching
(4) technology to teach language
Q78. Which of the following approaches/methods advocates linguistic competence and performance?
(1) Communicative approach
(2) Grammar translation method
(3) Direct method
(4) Structural approach
Q79. Global listening is not listening
(1) for specific information
(2) without being constrained by preset questions or tasks
(3) at different levels of comprehension
(4) for improving recognition of spoken text
Q80. Which of the following activities needs to be taken care of for helping non-native speakers to produce the sounds of the target language?
(1) Distinguishing the vowel from consonant sounds
(2) Imitating the way a native speaker produces sounds
(3) Ensuring that the words spoken are intelligible to others
(4) Maintaining the regional interference
Q81. The concept of transformative generative grammar was given by
(1) Bruner
(2) Ferdinand Saussure
(3) Noam Chomsky
(4) Plaget
Q82. Tail question also refers to
(1) follow-up question
(2) question tag
(3) insignificant question
(4) most important question
Directions Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate options.
“Although India has a traditional of women warriors, participation in the Salt Satyagraha was their excitement at the enormity of the in any modern militant political campaign and I could hardly suppress my excitement at the enormity of the occasion and my own good fortune to be amongst the first. As I attached my name to the pledge to devote m yself to, my country’s freedom battle, my hand shook a little under my tumultuous emotions. It seemed such a stupendous moment in my life, in the life of the women of my country. I felt I was tracing not the letters of my name, but recording a historic event. There was not much time for thought, however. The next instant we were filing out, taking the road to the sea, marching with quick steps. Great sky-rending cries or ‘Jai’ filled the air. Heavy-scented flower garlands almost smothered From the balconies and roofs unseen hands showered rose-petals until the road became a carpet of flowers. Often our march was stopped and bright e yed women sprinkled rose water from silver sprays, tipped our palms with sandalwood paste and perfume and blessed us waving lights round our heads and faces for good omen.” The long narrow strip of sand that borders the city like a white ribbon was transformed this morning into another sea. A sea of human faces that swayed and danced and bobbed about even as did the deep azure waves that rimmed the shore. The city seemed to have disgorged almost its entire population onto the sands. It was not the struggling batch of seven that was breaking the Salt Law, but hundreds and thousands not filling the water’s edge. And still they kept coming, thousands of women amongst them striding like proud warriors, gracefully balancing their pitchers of maroon-red earth and shimmering brass that scattered a thousand hues as the sunrays struck them. Even as I lit my little fire to boil the saltwater, I saw tho usands of fires aflame dancing in the wind. The copper pans sizzled in laughter while their bosoms traced the white grains of salt as the heat lapped up the last drop of water.
Q83. Women lighted their little fires on the se ashore to
(1) make the tea and drink it to overcome their fatigue
(2) protect themselves from cold
(3) boil seawater to make salt
(4) express their anger against the British
Q84. The word which nearly means the same as ‘stupendous’ is
(1) wonderful
(2) crucial
(3) significant
(4) influential
Q85. The word opposite in meaning to the word ‘proud’ as used in the passage is
(1) gentle
(2) humble
(3) decent
(4) fawning
Q86. Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence? “I could hardly suppress my excitement.”
(1) Pronoun
(2) Adverb
(3) Adjective
(4) Conjunction
Q87. Participation in the Salt Satyagraha evoked in the author a feeling of
(1) ecstasy
(2) pride
(3) excitement
(4) fear
Q88. The author took a pledge to
(1) launch a literacy campaign
(2) fight against social evils
(3) serve the poor people of India
(4) be part of India’s freedom struggle
Q89. The warm welcome given to the Satyagrahis showed
(1) general resentment against British exploitation of the people
(2) that the Indian people turn every event into a joyous occasion
(3) the full support of the people for breaking the Salt Law
(4) people’s hatred of the British
Q90. “A sea of human faces that swayed and danced” means
(1) human faces resembling a sea
(2) people dancing while bathing
(3) people bathing and frolicking
(4) a large number of enthusiastic people
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