Q21.From the following, which is not the characteristic of a good test?
(A) Subjectivity
(B) Discrimination
(C) Objectivity
(D) Validity
Q22.How many cards are used in Rorschach’s ink-blot test ?
(A) Four
(B) Eight
(C) Ten
(D) Five
Q23. The learning curve represents by the graph is :
(A) Rate of forgetting
(B) Rate of retention
(C) Progress and rate of learning.
(D) All of the above
Q24. The knowledge of individual difference belongs to which category of teacher’s quality?
(A) Personal quality
(B) Professional quality
(C) Social quality
(D) None of the above
Q25.Which one is not a type of mental emotions of the child according to Bruner ?
(A) Symbolic
(B) Activeness
(C) Iconic
(D) Concrete operational
Q26.People who cannot directly express their anger:
(A) Picnic
(B) Religious
(C) Athletic
(D) Asthenic
Q27.Type of individual test is :
(A) Kuilman-Anderson Intelligence
(B) Army-Alpha Test
(C) Wechsler Bellevue Test
(D) Army-Beta Test
Q28.Which is the first source in the phase of motivation ?
(A) Need
(B) Drive
(C) Incentive
(D) Motive
Q29.According to whom, ‘Communication anything that conveys meaning that carries is message from one person to another.’ ?
(A) Edgar Dale
(B) Hartman
(C) Miller
(D) Brooker
Q30. ‘Foresight’ is consisted in which theory of learning?
(A) Learning theory of Conditioned Response
(B) Insight theory of learning
(C) Kurt Lewin’s field theory
(D) Trail and Error theory of learning
Q31. Who envisioned this line, “Happiness is an occasional episode in the general drama of pain”?
(A) Hardy
(B) Gray
(C) Collins
(D) Tennyson
Q32.The blank space will be filled by which option? ________live together.
(A) My parents and me
(B) My parents and I
(C) Me and my parents
(D) I and my parents
Q33.Who was the editor of the periodical “The Encounter”?
(A) Greta Garbo
(B) Robert Clive
(C) Rati Agnihotri
(D) Harold Spender Stephen
Q34.What is the name of Othello’s wife in the play Othello ?
(A) Bianca
(B) Desdemona
(C) Emilia
(D) None of the above
Q35.The phrase “Willing Suspension of Disbelief” occurs in:
(A) Biographia Literaria
(B) In Defense of Poetry
(C) Preface to Lyrical Ballads.
(D) None of the above
Q36.In England, the Puritans closed the public theatres in:
(A) 1668 A.D.
(B) 1659 A.D.
(C) 1640 A.D.
(D) 1642 A.D.
Q37.The “Lyrical Ballads” were better appreciated in America than in England. The first edition was printed in America in year:
(A) 1798 A.D.
(B) 1801 A.D.
(C) 1805 A.D.
(D) 1802 A.D.
Q38. Shahid was:
(A) Respectful to politics
(B) Respectful to religion
(C) An orthodox
(D) A philosopher
Q39.”Paradise Lost” is a great epic is written by:
(A) William Shakespeare
(B) Toru Dutt
(C) John Keats
(D) John Milton
Q40. What does Mr. Crocker- “Harris teach to lower fifth class”?
(A) Greek
(B) French
(C) English
(D) Spanish
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