Q81.Which writer received the Pulitzer Prize four times:
(A) W.H. Auden
(B) Robert Frost
(C) W.B. Yeats
(D) T.S. Eliot
Q83. “Persons living at the same time.”
One word for the above is:
(A) Colleague
(B) Cosmopolitan
(C) Illnanismous
(D) Contemporary
Q84.The passive voice of the following sentence will be: He sent me a gift.
(A) A gift was send to him by me
(B) A gift was send to me by him
(C) A gift was sent to me by him
(D) A gift is sent to me by him
Q85. Antonym of the word “Astute” is :
(A) Impure
(B) Peaceful
(C) Foolish
(D) Affectionate
Q86. In Anand’s Untouchable, who said to Ulhan, “They think we are mere dirt because we their dirt”?
(A) Bhakha to Bhaguwandas
(B) Bhakha to Lakha
(C) Lakha to Bhakha
(D) Sohini to Bhakha
87.Which of the following literary piece is always a short amusing account of something that has happened in real ? (A) Fantasy
(B) Fiction
(C) Anecdote
(D) None of the above
Q88.Poet John Keats was born
(A) 1608 A.D.
(B) 1874 A.D.
(C) 1795 A.D.
(D) 1770 A.D.
Q89. “The summer of the beautiful white horse” is the story about two:
(A) Rich American boys
(B) Poor Italian boys
(C) Naughty Spanish boys
(D) Poor Armenian boys
Q90.Throughout the day she did nothing but _______ illness.
(A) feiging
(B) feigned
(C) have feiging
(D) to feigh
Q91. The protagonist of the famous novel of Narayan “The Bachelor of Arts” is :
(A) Raju
(B) Chandran
(C) Marco
(D) Ramani
Q93.Name the maths teacher who gave a glowing testimonial to Albert Einstein:
(A) Brown
(B) Koch.
(C) Yun
(D) Dr. Ernest Weil
Q94.Who is the writer of the stroy “Enemy”?
(A) John Updike
(B) Kalki
(C) None of the above
(D) Pearl S. Buck
Q95.What is the right order of the stanzas of Pindaric ode ?
(A) Strophe, Antistrophe, Epode
(B) Antistrophe, Epode, Strophe
(C) Epode, Strophe, Antistrophe
(D) Strophe, Epode, Antistrophe
Q96.The correct verb form in blank space will be:
This watch________ correct time.
(A) Keeps
(B) Has kept
(C) Kept
(D) Keep
Q97.Poem “The Daffodils” is written by:
(A) William Wordsworth
(B) William Shakespeare
(C) John Keats
(D) P.B. Shelly
Q98. To cast pearl before a swine means:
(A) To throw away pearls into the sea
(B) To feed a swine on good food
(C) To put uneatable things before a swine
(D) To give precious things/ideas to those who do not understand their value
Q99.Meaning of the phrase “inter alia” is:
(A) In between
(B) Interval
(C) Among other things
(D) With suitable changes
Q100. Which of the following story is penned Amitav Ghosh as a tribute to his writer friend by after his demise ?
(A) When Breath Becomes Air
(B) The sense of an Ending
(C) The Ghat of the only World
(D) The cure for Grief
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